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Mini power steering Delete Install Procedures

Mini power steering Delete Install Procedures

1. Remove your power steering system. This includes the belt, pump, lines, and reservoir. You may need to raise the motor to access the 2 banjo bolts.

2. Turn your rack full lock from one side to the other side 3-4 times. This removes unnecessary fluid.

3. Slide 1 washer onto the smaller banjo bolt. Slide the delete onto the smaller banjo bolt. Now slide 1 washer onto the same smaller banjo bolt. Your delete should be sandwiched between 2 washers on the smaller banjo bolt.

4. Slide 2 washers onto the larger banjo bolt. Slide the larger banjo bolt with the 2 washers onto the delete. Now slide 1 washer onto the larger banjo bolt.. Your delete should be sandwiched between 3 washers on the larger banjo bolt.

5. Install your delete onto your rack by tightening your banjo bolts.

* Please note, It is important to make sure you do not overtighten your delete. We repeat, do not crush the powersteering delete. When you are finished, your delete should be installed with the washers in the same placement as the photo below:


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Previous article Condor M50 Engine & Transmission Mount Install and Review by the guys at IgnitionTube.


Dustin - September 11, 2015

Going to install this in the morning and see that the above install talked about a belt our cars don’t have and I only have 2 washers for each bolt yet it says I need 3 for the one bolt. Please advise. Thanks Dustin

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