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N52 Oil Pan Baffle Kit - Peace of Mind for Modern Enthusiasts

N52 Oil Pan Baffle Kit - Peace of Mind for Modern Enthusiasts

When driving on track, oil pressure is everything.

The N52 powered BMW’s are certainly no exception to this rule. 

We at Condor Speed Shop noticed a potential problem early in the development stages of the Spec E9x series and we were quick to develop a solution to ensure that the highest of G-force loads would not stress the stout, high-performing N52 power plants.  

The problem: Anything over 1G of lateral force can slosh the oil in the pan to a 45 degree angle causing low oil pressure and compromising the health of the engine. 

The solution:

The development of an N52 Oil Pan Baffle Kit which will keep the oil where it needs to be for optimum reliability and performance.

As shown in the video below, once the oil pan is removed the installation process is relatively simple. The tools needed include an angle grinder, die grinder, tape measure and a brightly colored paint pen. You will also need a welding setup for final installation of all of the pieces.

The visual cues provided in the video make the process even easier as you can use it as a guide for the correct orientation of all of the included pieces. 

As N52 powered cars become a more popular choice for BMW race cars, the preservation of these engines is vital. The "insurance" the baffle provides is priceless in the grand scheme of performance driving. Once installed, this kit provides peace of mind for racers, drifters and enthusiasts of all kinds who appreciate BMW’s last great, mass produced, naturally aspirated straight 6 cylinder engine.

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