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How to get sponsored by Condor

We get hundreds of sponsorship requests per year. If you are serious about being sponsored, we have a few requirements for you to meet before we consider adding you as one of our guys.

  1. Photos. We need to see pics your car in action. Photos need to be high quality and need to show your car as a clean and well presented car.
  2. Social Media. Do you have a dedicated Instagram/Facebook/YouTube page for you, your car or team? If so, we need to see it. This is how you’ll help us spread the word. The bigger the account the better.
  3. Event Schedule. We want drivers/racers, so you need to have multiple planned events for the season.
  4. Uniqueness. You need to stand out from the crowd.

We do not offer any monetary support. We do provide a specific percentage discount on Condor parts. If you prove that you can in fact help promote the Condor brand in a positive manner, at events and through social media, we will consider increasing your parts discount.

Send all sponsorship requests to